ZAX -dr-

Pay money To my Painのドラムスを担当。T$UYO$HIと共にSQUARE ENIXの音楽プロジェクト / DEATH MARCHのサポートも務める。DWのカスタムドラムを使用。毎年恒例の夏のZAX BBQには100名が集まるほど人望が厚い。

Best known as the drummer of the popular rock band “Pay money To my Pain”, using a special customized drum components by DW.
He is in charge of the music project “DEATH MARCH” by a popular gaming company = SQUARE ENIX” with T$UYO$HI.
His open minded, friendly personality enchants people, getting together with more than 100 friends for his organized BBQ party every summer.